Food In Canada

New agreement with U.S. is good news for cattle producers

Food in Canada   

Business Operations Meat &Poultry Canadian Food Inspection Agency Canadian Livestock Genetics Association

The CFIA and the U.S. have negotiated an agreement allowing high-quality IVF bovine embryos to enter Canada

Ottawa, Ont. – A new agreement with the U.S. means Canadian cattle producers have better access to bovine genetics.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) announced the agreement this week.

CowCalfFreeDigitalPhotosFor Canadian cattle producers it means in-vitro fertilized (IVF) bovine embryos can enter Canada from the U.S., opening up new herd development opportunities.

Previously only IVF bovine embryos produced within Canada were accessible to producers.


“The Canadian Livestock Genetics Association ‎is pleased with the agreement between Canada and the U.S. to import IVF embryos,” says Michael Hall, the executive director of the Canadian Livestock Genetics Association.

“IVF technology is a growing component in the trade of bovine genetics. The CLGA applauds the Government of Canada’s work to develop modern trade protocols.”

The CFIA explains that Canada and the U.S. have a strong bilateral trading relationship in bovine genetics, working together to increase North American bovine genetics competitiveness.

To build on these important trade ties, this certificate represents the first agreement Canada has developed with another country to permit the sale of IVF bovine embryos within our market.
The science-based agreement negotiated by the CFIA and the U.S. supports trade while maintaining Canada’s strict animal health requirements.


Image courtesy of chrisroll at

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