Food In Canada

Nona Vegan nears investment round closing on FrontFundr 

February 2, 2023  
by Food in Canada Staff

Business Operations
Fruit & Vegetables

Nona Vegan Foods, an Italian sauce manufacturer, has until February 8, 2023, to reach their minimum funding goal of $150K on FrontFundr, and is nearly 70 per cent of the way there already.

The company has lowered the minimum amount that investors can contribute to $100 in order to “invite even more people to join NONA in our next phase of growth,” CEO Kailey Gilchrist says. 

“This journey with crowd-sourced equity fundraising has been interesting,” she continues. “It has required a lot of education around the FrontFundr platform and investing in general.”

Kailey has a series of FAQ response videos that have been gaining positive traction on social media. 


As long as Nona achieves the $150K minimum goal, they can extend their campaign to carry on to reach their overall goal of $300K.

We’re raising $300,000 on FrontFundr in order to expand our sales team and market reach in Canada and the United States,” says Kailey. “It’s no surprise that female entrepreneurs have a tough time raising funds. In fact, start-ups led by women received just 2.3 per cent of venture capital funding in 2020. That means getting creative in how you raise money. My community has been so supportive of my products, which I hope translates into investors.” 

Nona is available in over 700 Canadian and U.S. retailers, such as Sobeys and Whole Foods. 

Learn more about the investment opportunity at


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