Food In Canada

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Food in Canada   

Food In Canada Exporting & Importing market

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By Larry Martin
I’m writing this from Sweden where a delightful farm visit reminded me of forgotten wisdom. The farm formerly specialized in crop production but decided to add value by integrating forward with a livestock enterprise. This added profitability and caused owners to consider integrating backward into production of the genetic stage of the animal production process.

Now they produce the feed required to produce the last two stages of the animal production process (adding additional acres of grain to match feed requirements). They also produce enough manure to provide most of the nutrient requirements for the soil to produce the grain.

They analyze performance and benchmark where they can. This shows several interesting results: a decline in supply chain costs; steady improvement in livestock performance because of focus on genetic improvement in the breeding stock that wasn’t there when they were purchased; and significant improvement in organic matter of the soil.

The concept of putting supply chains together can have both economic and environmental benefits.


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