Food In Canada

Big manufacturing rebounds

By The Canadian Press   

Business Operations Regulation economic recovery Ontario economy recession StatsCan

Producers recouped about 40 per cent of 2009 losses: StatsCan

OTTAWA—For the first time in more than a decade, Canada’s manufacturing sector saw the largest single annual increase in sales last year, according to Statistics Canada.

After falling by a record 17.8 per cent in 2009, manufacturing sales jumped 8.9 per cent to $529.8 billion last year—the greatest single annual improvement since 2000.

Current-dollar sales advanced in 19 of 21 industries, representing 95.4 per cent of all manufacturing in the country.

The biggest increases occurred in motor vehicles (up 29.9 per cent), petroleum and coal products (15.2) and primary metal manufacturing (23.8). These advances offset the 12.5 per cent drop in aerospace product and parts production.

Sales were strong across most of Canada, with the greatest growth in Ontario (up 11.2 per cent), Alberta (11.3) and Quebec (4.6). Only Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan and Manitoba experienced a decline in sales.

StatsCan says the latest figures are consistent with other indices from 2010.

Capacity utilization rates increased by 7.5 per cent—the largest single year gain in more than 20 years. Prices increased 1.0 per cent and productivity advanced by 4.6 per cent.

Read the study The year in review in manufacturing on StatsCan’s website.

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