Food In Canada

Help us take the pulse of today’s F&B processors

By Food in Canada Staff   

Business Operations Editor pick

We’ve been hearing a lot lately about the state of the Canadian F&B processing, and it sounds like a tough world out there. But no one has the numbers to really say, and processors have been unable to benchmark themselves against other processors in their region, or across the country. Until now.

Help Food in Canada, and yourself, get the pulse of the processing world. What challenges and opportunities do processors see ahead, how has the profit picture changed in recent years, what factors lead to more or less profit, how are succession plans shaping up, and how are processors tracking productivity? We’re digging into this and more.

If you are a processor, manager, plant operator or F&B industry professional, please take a few minutes to answer our survey. We’ve engaged an independent research firm, so all results are confidential and will be reported in aggregate only.

As a special thanks, all respondents will have a full report of the results and will be entered in a draw to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card. Take the Survey now!

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