Food In Canada

CIFST Canadian Food Summit cancelled in Winnipeg

By Food in Canada   

Food In Canada

The 2020 CIFST Canadian Food Summit scheduled for June 3 to 5 in Winnipeg, Man., has been cancelled.

The association announced the news in a statement on its website.

“We’re aware that many of you are asking questions about CIFST’s Canadian Food Summit given that COVID-19 is currently presenting a global challenge regarding travel. We feel strongly that it is our collective responsibility to focus on the facts and to act with common sense and sound judgement, taking the advice of the relevant authorities and scientists,” notes the statement.

“We are also considering the realities being faced by our delegates and exhibitors concerning their corporate policies around travel.”


CIFST states that the association’s board of directors considered all the facts and determined that it would be in the best interest of the association, its members and stakeholders, to postpone the annual conference until next year.

“While we regret having to make this decision, we know that it is the right decision,” the association states. “It is our hope that the threat by COVID-19 will diminish over time and that we can get back to some normalcy in the weeks and months ahead.

“In the meantime, we will be working with our hotel partner to secure a suitable date for 2021 and will make an announcement once it is secure.”

The association is asking that anyone who has committed to a sponsorship, booked a tabletop or registered as a delegate, to be patient as efforts are made to refund payments.


Earlier, the Natural Products Expo West 2020 trade show scheduled for March 3 to 7 in Anaheim, Calif., was postponed until a later date due to concerns over the coronavirus.

New Hope Network which runs the show indicated the decision was made after hearing from the communities it serves.

“Over the last 48 hours, we have worked with the community to try and serve those who want the show by delivering a great experience, and support those who want it, but not now, by working on credits and alternatives,” the company said in a statement.

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