Food In Canada

Government of Canada celebrates 75th anniversary of the founding of the FAO of the UN

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Food In Canada Specialty Foods Canada food and agriculture UN

The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food was joined by Sonny Perdue, United States Secretary of Agriculture, Dr. Qu Dongyu, Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Nadine Girault, Minister of International Relations and La Francophonie, Minister of Immigration, Francization and Integration and Minister Responsible for the Laurentides Region to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
In 1945, at a Conference presided over by future Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson in Quebec City, the FAO was formally established as a specialized UN agency to lead international efforts in the fight against global hunger and poverty.
Today, the FAO works in over 130 countries worldwide, with a goal to achieve food security for all and to ensure people have access to safe, high-quality food. Canada has been a member since the beginning and is committed to working with the FAO to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, especially — Zero Hunger.
As part of Canada’s commitment to a secure and sustainable food system, the Government announced on October 17, 2019 the first-ever Food Policy for Canada. The food policy is a roadmap for a healthier and more sustainable food system in Canada – one that builds on the Government’s ambitious agenda to support the growth of Canada’s farmers and food businesses, while supporting the demand for healthy, safe food at home and abroad. This policy is one of building blocks that complements the FAO’s vision for a global food system that is environmentally, economically and socially sustainable.
“This is a significant milestone for the FAO, as they celebrate 75 years of achievement in their efforts to reduce world poverty and hunger. Today, our world is in the midst of a pandemic and it is more important than ever to continue a united front to strengthen global food security, helping vulnerable people around the world have access to the safe, nutritious food.”

– The Honourable, Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
“It was at Château Frontenac in Québec City that the first FAO Conference session was held on October 16, 1945. The Government of Québec has built on these historic origins to create even stronger ties with the organization in recent years. The partnership between my ministry and the FAO aimed at boosting resilience to climate change in two Francophone countries, Senegal and Haiti, is a good example. This collaborative project is testimony to Québec’s leadership and expertise in food security and sustainable agriculture, in the Francophone world in particular.”

– Nadine Girault, Minister of International Relations and La Francophonie, Minister of Immigration, Francization and Integration, Minister Responsible for the Laurentides Region
“I am very pleased to see that our governments are all working towards a common goal: producing more, producing better and producing local. Access to food and access to high-quality, nutritious food is still a challenge even in the 21st century. Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic is putting a strain on the food supply chain and testing its resilience and ability to ensure food security for people. Québec has managed to adapt to the situation. We were even able to deliver more food to our foreign partners. Despite everything, we are managing to turn this crisis into an opportunity to implement and even accelerate the measures and investments necessary for the sustainable development of the bio-food sector.”

РAndr̩ Lamontagne, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Ministre Responsible for the Centre-du-Qu̩bec Region
Quick facts
• The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger.
• World Food Day is an international day celebrated every year around the world on October 16 in honor of the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945. This year’s theme is “Grow, nourish, sustain. Together. Our actions are our future.”
Associated links
• Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
• World Food Day
• Food Policy for Canada


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