Food In Canada

Mindful Füd, Rude Mama Hot Sauce, Cedar Valley win Canada Post contest

By Food In Canada Staff   

Food In Canada News Sustainability Women in Manufacturing Bake & Snack Food Ingredients & Additives Cedar Valley Mindful Füd Rude Mama Hot Sauce

Each winner will receive a prize package totalling over $100k in value

Three food manufacturers win this year’s 2024 Tales of Triumph contest by Canada Post. The contest highlights the achievements of small businesses across Canada.

Vancouver-based Mindful Füd wins in the Going Green category. This brand is tackling food waste by turning rescued apples into organic vegan honey alternative.

Rude Mama Hot Sauce from Toronto has been recognized in the Rising Stars category for its authentic Vietnamese hot sauce.

Cedar Valley, Windsor, Ont., has been honoured in the Staying Power category. This family-owned business, run by a mother-son duo, crafts pita chips inspired by their Lebanese heritage.


Visit Canada’s Choice for the full list of winners.

Each winner will receive a prize package that includes shipping and marketing credits, promotional support through Canada Post’s digital channels, and targeted media campaigns, totalling over $100,000 in value.

Additionally, they all compete for Canada’s Choice Award. The small business with the most votes will receive an extra $10,000 in cash and $50,000 worth of media promotion. Public voting is open until September 30.

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