Food In Canada

R&D and Consumers: Making the Connection

By Food in Canada staff   

Food Trends food marketing poll

A new poll suggests that consumers would like more input into the development and marketing of food products and packaging. The concept of “co-creation” is gaining ground among marketers who are looking at integrating consumers into the development process even as early as the pre-planning stage.

According to an online survey of 1,000 men and women by Michigan-based Gongos Research, North Americans are interested in engaging in product development, assisting in the creation, packaging and marketing of new products. Only eight per cent of those polled said they were opposed to or uninterested in co-creation.

“Companies are looking for new ways to bring consumers to the table,” says Michael Alioto, vice-president of Analytics for Gongos Research. “Engaging consumers in the pre-planning stages or early on in the design phase will account for critical wants and needs, lowering the risk of new product failure in the marketplace.”


The poll included six key consumer product categories, with snacks and beverages attracting the highest level of interest, and health and wellness coming in third. A full 76 per cent of consumers polled say they would be willing to forego acknowledgement or creative license for their ideas, although 73 per cent say they would expect a sample of the product for their input, while 71 per cent would prefer a cash incentive.

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