Food In Canada

Festo’s MPA-C valve terminal

Festo Inc.'s MPA-C valve terminal is thoroughly cleanable and extremely reliable

Festo Inc. offers its MPA-C valve terminal, which it says is the centrepiece of its Clean Design series of products for hygienically critical food production system.

The company says the MPA-C valve terminal has the highest corrosion resistance class and doesn’t have to be housed in a control cabinet but can be located near the food handling area of the machine.

That makes the terminal much more flexible, which helps machine and process designers save space.

Festo’s MPA-C can handle high-pressure cleaning, cleaning foams or harsh operating conditions extremely well. It’s design lets cleaning agents just run off, which can reduce time during wash downs.


The company adds that troubleshooting is also fast since there are LEDs on the valves, and valves are easily replaceable, minimizing downtime. 


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