Food In Canada



Stories continue below

Food Safety Regulation

May 12, 2015
CFIA, taking a break from all their worries!

Business Operations

April 24, 2015
Can we compete?


April 9, 2015
A meal by any other name

Processing Regulation

April 9, 2015
Soya say it’s healthy, eh?

Food Safety

April 9, 2015
Safe Food Canada – The Learning Partnership

Business Operations Regulation

April 9, 2015
Regulatory Myths – Part II

Business Operations Exporting & Importing Processing Research & Development

March 24, 2015
So, does the complexity of the sector get in the way of an overall strategy?

March 23, 2015
Not Training Your Operations Staff on Information Management Could Cost You

Business Operations Food Trends

March 3, 2015
Market trends that will drive our national food strategy

Food In Canada

March 2, 2015
How Does Your Traceability System Stack Up?

Food Safety Processing

February 17, 2015
Plant micro results are good, but bad in the field

Food Safety Packaging Regulation

February 17, 2015
To gluten and beyond!


February 17, 2015
Regulatory Myths – Part I

Business Operations

January 30, 2015
A Canadian national food strategy: Yes, we can do it, but will we?

Business Operations Processing

December 22, 2014
Is a national food strategy the right way to go?

Business Operations Food Trends Processing

December 1, 2014
Make way for Generation Z

Processing Regulation

December 1, 2014
Brewing modern food standards

Business Operations Food Safety

December 1, 2014
Social media – ally or enemy?

Business Operations Packaging Processing

November 30, 2014
Can we compete?

Food Safety

October 28, 2014
CFIA Modernization: The consultations conclude

Business Operations Processing

October 27, 2014
Re-imagining Canada Food Inc.

Packaging Processing Regulation

October 17, 2014
Serving up label changes

Food Safety Processing Regulation

October 17, 2014
Amplifying AMPs – Part II

Business Operations Food Trends Processing

September 24, 2014
What about an environmental strategy?

Packaging Regulation

September 8, 2014
A “sweet” trinity – sugar labelling

Food Safety

September 8, 2014
Reference database for hazard identification

Food Safety Regulation

September 8, 2014
Amplifying AMPs – Part I

Business Operations Processing

August 29, 2014
How could we make this happen?

Research & Development

August 8, 2014
The buzz about the bees

Food Safety Regulation

August 8, 2014
What do Canadians want on food labels?

Food Safety Regulation

August 8, 2014
Recent research on third-party audits

Food Safety

August 8, 2014
Traceability today